People Who Stutter (PwS)
tackle challenges faced in Video Conferences/Online Meetings.Our goal was to identify technology-induced barriers and amplifies the agency of PwS in video conferences.
Speech disfluencies hinder equal speech opportunities and lead to low self-esteem and self-blame.
Videoconferencing tech lack visual cues like eye contact to prevent being cut off.
Thus, online meetings require extra effort from PwS, increasing mental exhaustion.
Led 11 Interviews & 29 surveys;
45-60 minutes long interview;
Survey responses varied in details.
Emailed 23 stuttering associations;
Created posts on 7 public forums related to stuttering for diverse participants.
Interview Protocol;
Email Template;
Informed Consent Form;
Google Form Survey.
Led 3 co-design sessions with 6 participants via Zoom as a facilitator and designer.
Offered financial incentive to previously interviewed participants.
Protocol & Plan;
Miro board;
Informed Consent Form.
two-way asynchronous communication opportunities for meeting related topics.
effective conversation tracking and archival mechanisms for meeting-related topics.